It's hard to believe that Sapphire first began modeling in 2003. She was a secretary. The SCORE Group has always been a kind of modeling academy for new girls. At the time, the ginger gal wasn't nearly as plump as she eventually became. This reformatted lap dance video and trip down Mammary Lane was shot in 2005, a few months before Sapphire decided to try her first boy-girl hardcore scene. The P.O.V. photography and the hands-on tit-play is what gave this video its extra juice. Sapphire doesn't lap dance for real (she does web cam these days) but it's a shame she never considered trying it for real in a club that specializes in BBWs. When guys see Sapphire's boobs for the first time, they freak. "Most of them try to hide the shock," she said in an interview. "They're like 'Whoa!' Even though they know my boobs are large, when they actually see them, their eyes do that popping-out-of-their-heads cartoon look. It's funny." February 14th, Valentine's Day, is Sapphire's birthday. Happy birthday!
Date Production: February 10, 2014
Date: October 31, 2021
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