XLGirls.com praises the greatness of Sapphire in this special Jackumentary. Originally a secretary, Sapphire began modeling for The SCORE Group in 2003. More a Voluptuous Girl in the beginning, Sapphire began to fill out over time and was eagerly welcomed by the XLGirls community. "I think it shows that real men out there don't care so much for the type of woman everyone is told they should like," Sapphire said. "You know, the anorexic type. I'm a real woman with real, big boobs who lives a real life. I'm grateful for the guys out there who are turned on by a full-figured female." Sapphire won Plumper of the Year in Voluptuous magazine three times in a row (2006, 2007 and 2008). Arguably, her most popular appearance was in the movie My Big Plump Wedding with Samantha38G, Maria Moore, Cassie Blanca and Rose Valentina. "I like girls and boys so it [XXX] came naturally to me, but I like having sex with men more. They can do things a girl just can't do for me. But I also appreciate the softness and sexiness of a woman's body and the special way they just seem to instinctively know how to touch mine." All hail Sapphire.
Date Production: September 3, 2014
Date: October 31, 2021
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