Note how much bigger her already immense tits have become. They're super-huge! We still can't get over the sheer size of those milky jugs. A tit-man would never leave the house for weeks on end with Sapphire around. Okay, enough of our demented raving. This video is called "At The Movies With Sapphire." This is a first! XL Girls is trying something in breast video that's completely different and original from anything that anyone has ever done. One of our editors, Dave, is going to sit down with Sapphire, a truly nice young girl your parents would love to have over for Sunday dinner, and they are going to watch a tape of Sapphire's "video cherry" taken on a TV monitor. Now Sapphire gets her share of bed-bouncing action in her personal life but she's never done the deed with a pro stud and a camera capturing every thrust. Dave's going to ask Sapphire about her first ever guy-girl scene and get her thoughts, feelings and observations, step-by-step. He'll ask her probing questions about nipple-sucking, throating cock, tit-fucking, sex positions and other healthy activities.
Date: November 1, 2021
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