Sapphire is feeling herself up over a blue dress. She peels each one of her massive honkers out of their confinement. You can see the marks from her blue bra, which clearly was too tight. Just to show you how large her natural melons are, Sapphire eases over to the dude and tit-fucks his hand before she moves on to his other areas. His hand disappears into her chest. Sapphire undoes his belt, then the button fly and then yanks his member out. Sapphire doesn't mess around, popping it right into her mouth and giving him a blowjob. When Sapphire wraps her treasures around his cock, his tool vanishes. It's easy to see that Sapphire is a pleaser. She enthusiastically bounces her tits up and down the shaft for a good long while, getting ready for the main event. We go right from the tit-fucking to Sapphire being on her back and getting some fuck-strokes. Sapphire loudly voices her appreciation and moans her approval. They try several other positions. Doggie-style goes well, and then Sapphire is on her side as he grabs one leg and lays the pipe that way. Sapphire's tits start bouncing around in all kinds of directions. He then gives her cleavage a plowing before they go back to the position that started it all, with Sapphire's tits hovering over his package. A little more massaging, and it's pop time all over her meaty rack. Running Time: 31:41
Date Production: January 28, 2009
Date: November 1, 2021
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