Sapphire has really fucked up! She's the maid of honor for one of her best friends, but she hasn't prepared anything for the evening and was kind of hoping to wing it and just get in any club etc... She walks into your bar telling you her situation, but you're just about to close! Sapphire tells you that she really needs this or her friends will be PISSED. You eventually come to an agreement that if she strips off and lets you WANK over her, she and her friends can come in for a bit and drink... Lucky WANKER!
Date Production: Aug 10, 2019
Date: September 27, 2021
Actors: Sapphire Blue
Bald Pussy / Blonde / Fingering / Friend / Fuck / Jerk Off / Jerking / Legs / Maid / Masturbation / Natural / Peeing / Pussy / Shaved / Striptease / Teasing / Tits / Wank4K, Bar, Hair (Blonde), Jerk Off Instruction, Lipstick (Pink), Masturbation, Masturbation Encouragement, Nude, Open Leg, Pussy (Fingering), Pussy (Shaved), Tits (Medium), Tits (Natural)
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