XLGirls - Roxie In Chubby Twats

RealSpankings - Two Maids Punished (part 2 of 2)

RealSpankings - 4 Girls Paddled (Part 1 of 4)

RealSpankings - 4 Girls Paddled (Part 2 of 4)

RealSpankings - 4 Girls Paddled (Part 4 of 4) - Clip 2

RealSpankings - 4 Girls Paddled (Part 3 of 4)

RealSpankings - 4 Girls Paddled (Part 4 of 4) - Clip 1

RealSpankings - Caught Smoking in the Locker Room (Part 1 of 2)

RealSpankings - Monica and Roxie Paddled (Part 2 of 2)

RealSpankings - Roxie's Intense OTK spanking

RealSpankings - Roxie and Abigail: Paddled Hard (Part 2)

RealSpankings - Roxie: Paddled at School

RealSpankings - Paddled at school, so paddled at home.

RealSpankings - (HD) Two Girl School Corporal Punishment Paddling

RealSpankings - (HD) Ivy and Roxie: Sent to the Dean for Fighting (Part 2)

RealSpankings - Three Girls Spanked (Part 2 of 3)

RealSpankings - Caught Tresspassing (Part 2 of 3)

RealSpankings - Roxie: Strapped Naked in the Wood Shed

RealSpankings - Hard Spanking with a Wooden Spoon

RealSpankings - Roxie: Spanked for Slacking on Chores

RealSpankings - Roxie: Sent Home for No Bra

RealSpankings - Roxie: Long, Hard and Embarrassing OTK Spanking

RealSpankings - Roxie's Bare Bottom Birthday Paddling

RealSpankings - Witnessed Paddling (Part 1 of 2)

RealSpankings - Roxie: A Hard School Paddling

RealSpankings - Roxie and Syrena: a Hard Strapping (Part 1)

RealSpankings - Roxie and Syrena: a Hard Strapping (Part 2)

RealSpankings - Roxie: Cane vs. Paddle

RealSpankings - Paddled by Dad (Part 1 of 2)

RealSpankings - Bare Bottom Strapping in front of a Friend

RealSpankings - Two Girls Paddled by the Principal (Part 1)

RealSpankings - Two Girls Paddled by the Principal (Part 2)

RealSpankings - Four Naked Girls Spanked (Part 4 of 4)

RealSpankings - Roxie and Friends Caught Smoking and Sunbathing Topless

RealSpankings - Roxie Caught Ditching School (Part 1 of 2)

RealSpankings - Roxie Caught Ditching School (Part 2 of 2)

RealSpankings - Roxie Spanked for Slacking

RealSpankings - Roxie's Hairbrushing