With a strict boss and corporal punishment still in use at her office, Mary Donohue learns the hard way that missing appointments carries serious penalties. Dressed in a smart red business suit, she mocks her boss's plans for "another spanking", but realises that he is serious. Seconds later, she is bent over, hands on a chair, skirt raised and panties round her knees. "That strap stung like hell," confessed Mary after the shoot. "I was nervous waiting for him to swing it back, but when it landed….Whoooo, it stings like a bitch!". How to Download:. To download and save the full movie to your hard drive, select the desired quality, right click the download link and select "Save Target (or Link) As...". Once the video has been downloaded, you can double click it on your hard drive and play it with Real Player.
Date Production: Dec 09, 2005
Date: December 19, 2021
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