You and Sapphire have crept into the bosses office while he is out for lunch to try and see who has got the promotion, she tells you to keep an eye on the door while she looks through the files. She finds out that she has got the promotion but you haven't so to make you feel better she tells you to take your dick out and have a wank over her panties, she teases you with her shaven pussy and instructs you to blow your load all over the files as a fuck you to the boss.
Date Production: Feb 16, 2018
Date: December 1, 2021
Actors: Sapphire
Ass / Bald Pussy / Boss / Busty / Dick / Dirty / Fuck / Heels / High Heels / Jerk Off / Jerking / Masturbation / Nylons / Office / Pussy / Shaved / Skirt / Stockings / Teasing / Upskirt / Wank4K, Ass, Busty, Dirty Talk, High Heels, Jerk Off Instruction, Masturbation Encouragement, Masturbation Instruction, Mini Skirt, No Panties, Office, Shaved Pussy, Stockings, Suspenders, Thong, Upskirt
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