In the law of diminishing returns, Sub sandwiches aren't what they used to be, and a size 5.5 foot like Kissy Capri's is about the equivalent portion of one nowadays. So it stands to reason, rather than stand in line to be waited on and abused by a hair net wearing counterman who doesn't speak English to begin with, the smart frugalist will save his money. But to what end, you ask? Assuming one is a connoisseur of the arch [why else would you be watching a foot video?] the answer is pretty obvious. To watch a babe like Kissy flex her toes and make your pee pee wet. Even with some bargaining chip at your disposal, ya think an ordinary trollop off the street's going to just walk into your living room and kick off her shoes in like manner? No way, Jose. Better sit back and enjoy the show knowing that it's a cruel world out there. - Exclusive Foot Fetish Content. Hot Hardcore User Submitted Stories, Photos, Videos and more...
Date Production: Jun 14, 2014
Date: October 11, 2021
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